Our culture
Discover how your actions can make an impact
Asistensi is built around the idea that everyone should be able to have access to quality healthcare.
To help us succeed, we’ve set two key goals:
- Saving lives and protecting the livelihood of migrants and those left behind by the health sector
- Building a growth platform for people, creating opportunities for our colleagues to thrive
This requires truly understanding the reality of our customers and our colleagues. In this endeavor, we've created an employee culture that could guide us on how we can continuously improve as a team so that we can better serve our members.
Our Values
We believe that values are demonstrated daily through behaviors and skills, not as nice-sounding statements displayed on our career site. The real values of a firm are shown by who gets rewarded or let go based on specific behaviours that teams care about.
Below are the specific behaviors and skills we care about most. If these values describe you, and the people you want to work with, you’re likely to thrive at Asistensi.
- You act in the best interest of both the customer and Asistensi
- You strive to do your job well so we can do more for protecting the livelihood of migrants and those left behind by the health sector
- You create opportunities so that your colleagues can thrive and their success motivates you
- You grow and amplify the impact of your work by helping others grow
- You say upfront everything that needs to be known about what you are offering or asking, including any limitations (our products and services, a job, a request...)
- You communicate in simple and concise terms that can be understood clearly
- You set realistic expectations from the start, you do not overpromise or underpromise
- You share information actively if it is helpful for our success and goal-setting
You answer tough questions and you do it with candor
- You accomplish relevant and outstanding work
- You focus on great results rather than on process
- You are continuously striving to improve
- You aim for the best
- You tackle whatever comes your way (and do not hesitate to ask for help if you cannot do it alone)
- You have a “can do, will do” attitude, and deliver on it
- You achieve the objectives, not perfection
- You solve unexpected challenges with orthogonal thinking to stay on course towards the objective
- You can deliver results amidst chaos, ambiguity and imperfect processes
- You are tenacious and optimistic, and recover from any setback
- You embrace failure and learn fast
- You handle stress effectively and protect others from unnecessary stress
- You always act with a sense of urgency
- You deliver on time and make things happen
- You report results and not process
- You prioritize effectively
Three ways values are embedded in our culture
Performance management: Behaviors determine 20% of the “How” in our performance evaluations
Framework for career decisions: Values guide how we make decisions about people (i.e. promotions, hirings, exits...)
What to expect from each other: These values guide what we expect from you, and what you should expect from everyone else